kedma solar

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are frequently asked questions about solar systems that we receive daily from customers interested in a solar system. We have answered these questions in detail so you can easily find your answer. If you don’t find an answer, you can ask us, and we will respond.

There are several types of photovoltaic panels – mono silicon, polysilicon, PERC, and even prascovites. You can read about the technical side of each type of panel in the links above. We work with four official importers in Israel who import panels from different companies. Among them are Longi, JA Solar, Jinko, Sunpower QCell, Eging, etc.. All the companies are ranked Tier 1 by Bloomberg and among the world’s most recognized and high-quality brands.

of course! Solar systems can be insured. Today, insurance companies offer insurance coverage for solar systems as part of supplementary insurance. The insurance coverage includes fracture damage, weather and insurance against loss of income in case of need for repair.

The solar panels are passive components. Therefore, there is no radiation, the voltage converter of the system produces a little radiation that meets all standards, but there is no real danger in it, and it is installed outside the house.

Most of the leading manufacturers provide a 25-year warranty for the performance of the solar panels (the panels are expected to operate for decades) The warranty on the converter is 12 years, with an option to extend it to 25 years.

Regular solar system maintenance mainly includes washing and cleaning the panels from dirt. The recommendation is to wash the panels about 3-4 times a year.

The system works and produces electricity during the day (and sleeps at night). The production capacity varies from day to day and season, with the system producing less in winter than in summer. But since the planning of the system is carried out according to the average annual daylight hours – this has no meaning. In practice, in the summer, the solar system will produce surpluses that will

To your credit on the rainy and gray days.

A solar system converts the light radiation from the sun’s energy into electricity with the help of solar panels built from photo-voltaic cells and with the help of a voltage converter that connects to the power grid through your home electrical panel.

A solar system is suitable for any property owner with a free roof who wants to use it for the benefit of a solar system.

The actual installation of a solar system takes a few days. The entire process, from the moment of the decision to the connection of the system to the electricity grid, takes about 3 months in order to obtain the relevant approvals from the various parties.

Home solar systems yield 12-18%, and commercial systems reach 24%. Return the investment in about 7 years for a home system and about 5 years for a commercial system. The systems last for 25 years if a decrease of less than 0.5% per year. Therefore, a solar system is profitable and a wise investment for young couples, retirees, foundations, and any household that wants a stable and profitable financial investment for 25 years.

Today, there are dedicated programs for solar electricity in the central banks. The banks offer up to 100% financing, up to 10 years, with an interest rate of prime + 1.5%. (We have clients who even received prime interest minus 0.5%!)

To get a permit to install a solar system, several permits are needed (electrical plan, constructor’s permit, electrical engineer’s permit, coordination with the electricity company, registration with the Ministry of Energy, and more…), but don’t worry, we will take care of the entire licensing process for you and take care of all the documents needed!

Didn’t find an answer to your question? Contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

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